4 W. Park Avenue, Suite 1, Chiefland, FL 32644  |  Office: 352-493-9683 Email: ae@dglmls.com
Reciprocal Listings


Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy Multiple Listing Service will now accept Reciprocal Listings from licensed Brokers throughout the State of Florida.  You can submit your listing to DGL MLS by remitting $150.00 for each listing and completing the appropriate forms. Email us the files and up to 24 photos to use.  IMPORTANT!  You must also submit photos for each listing, with the 1st photo being that of the front view of the MAIN STRUCTURE on the property.  ALL fields must be completed! If it's not applicable to your listing, simply select NONE. The following fields must be sent as a Word document: Legal Description, Directions, Public Comments and Agent Comments.  Agent comments must include the agent's name and contact info since that is the only way to see who has the listing.  Please be advised DGL MLS does NOT use an electronic lock box system or Showing Time.  Showing instructions should include an alternative means of showing instructions.  Following these instructions will speedup the process.  Reciprocal listings WILL NOT be sent out with IDX/RETS.  This should be done through your local MLS. This is to avoid a listing being sent to the same site multiple times.

You may either mail the payment of $150.00 to DGL MLS, PO Box 2059, Chiefland, FL 32644 OR after you email the office the input forms, a copy of your current MLS listing and Word document as instructed above, you can call the office with your credit/debit information as payment.  DO NOT ENTER THIS INFORMATION ONLINE OR ON ANY OF THE FORMS.  CALL THE OFFICE.  Your listing will appear in Dixie-Gilchrist-Levy MLS.


Reciprocal Info Form & Instructions

Dixie Gilchrist Levy Input Forms (choose one per property type)

If you have any questions, contact Lanie Cannon, AE at 352-493-9683 or e-mail AE@DGLMLS.com.